2019-8-23 · Staudinger 连接反应(Staudinger ligation),2000年由 Saxon 和 Bertozzi 发展。 用一般位于三芳膦上的亲电基团(如甲酯) 捕获 氮杂叶立德(亚胺基膦烷)中间体,在水介质中进行作用,重排后得到分子内酰胺基氧化膦。

The traceless Staudinger ligation of azides and phosphines is an effective method to produce an amide bond . 叠氮化合物和膦硫酯的 无 痕施陶 丁格连接反应是一种有效生成酰胺键的方法。 7 The electronic cash is anonymous and traceless. 发行的电子现金具有 Traceless synthesis of ceramides in living cells reveals traceless manner. Using this method, we uncovered the apoptotic effects of several ceramide species and observed differences in their apoptotic activity based on acyl-chain saturation. Additionally, we demonstrate spatiotemporally controlled ceramide synthesis in live cells through photoinitiated lipid ligation. Our in situ lipid ligation Creating Site-Specific Isopeptide Linkages Between An azidonorleucine residue is installed at a desired site in a substrate protein by nonnatural amino acid incorporation, and a phosphinothioester is installed at the C terminus of a pendant protein by expressed protein ligation. Then, the traceless Staudinger ligation is used to link the substrate and pendant proteins via an isopeptide bond. 无痕施陶丁格连接反应机理的理论研究 - 豆丁网 2013-1-23 · 这个反应生成的连接产物中不含有残留 原子, 因此被叫做无痕施陶丁格连接(traceless Staud- inger ligation)(图式 无痕施陶丁格连接反应在进行Gly-Gly/Ala 连接时可以得到很高的产率(>90%), 连接位点为Ala-Ala 时产率降低到 35%.

Utility of the Phenacyl Protecting Group in Traceless

Synthesis, structure determination, and (radio

Reaction mechanism and kinetics of the traceless

无痕施陶丁格连接反应机理的理论研究 - 豆丁网 2013-1-23 · 这个反应生成的连接产物中不含有残留 原子, 因此被叫做无痕施陶丁格连接(traceless Staud- inger ligation)(图式 无痕施陶丁格连接反应在进行Gly-Gly/Ala 连接时可以得到很高的产率(>90%), 连接位点为Ala-Ala 时产率降低到 35%. Chemoselective Peptide Cyclization by Traceless Staudinger Chemoselective Peptide Cyclization by Traceless Staudinger Ligation Chemoselective Peptide Cyclization by Traceless Staudinger Ligation Kleineweischede, Rolf; Hackenberger, Christian P. R. 2008-07-28 00:00:00 Complex cellular function is controlled by a network of protein–protein interactions which are often individually regulated by the post‐ or cotranslational attachment of specific